159th Public Forum > Tech Support

Super-Carrier module issues


Head's-up for anyone using the 159th Dedi-server at the minute.

We are having issues with deck-starting (ramp start in ME) on the US CVN and can't fix this -if you select either F/A-18 or F-14 on the US CVN in mission, you're get an air-start.

ED suggests you don't require the SC mod on the host to get the benefits -but as things stand, we are not getting that working.

I am awaiting some sort of response from a post on ED's forums rgarding this.

OK the squad has -since I figured out how to use it- the DCS OpenBeta dedi server in non-render mode.

Thus we are now running the super-carrier module.

This allows us to run any mod released without buying it.

We now don't start the game as per usual, just the DCS DS and then the GUI app which runs it. Anyone wanting to know how to operate this will either need to check it on ED's forums or ask me -it really isn't complicated -I did it so it can't have been!


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