Other Flight Sims > DCS World

Beta or not to Beta?


Noticed that the dedi is running the standard game as opposed to the OB -which I think I activly support TBH.

Is the std sim being used because it is obviously more stable or is it just to suit a certain mission?

I think -considering the issues we experienced after christmas- we should perhaps just stick with the regular sim for now?

Arch, currently OB and Stable are the same. Both have the same version number

Latest stable version is

Current openbeta is

Yeah Kunz I realise that both are currently the same, but as a squad we used to run with the standard game, however recently we have used the beta as it was better for a while.

Might be time to 'play-safe' again!

Arch, I don’t think any deliberate decisions have been made to run the stable version. It may have easily been launched by mistake. Wouldn’t read anything into it if I were you.

Just run the Beta, nobody is (or previously has) going to mind.


Sorry Arch, my bad, but I do agree with Ax that running the beta is better.. The difference is negligible at best.


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